The show originally aired on Doordarshan in 1997, became one of India’s most beloved superhero shows, running for over 450 episodes
Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, best known for playing India's first superhero, Shaktimaan, has excited fans by announcing that the character will return to Indian screens. Speaking to ANI on Monday, he shared his strong bond with the role and expressed his excitement about playing Shaktimaan again.
This is a costume within me,” Khanna shared. “Personally, I feel this costume has come from within... I performed well as Shaktimaan because the character comes from within me. Acting is all about confidence. When I’m shooting, I forget about the camera. I am even happier than others to become Shaktimaan again.”
Reflecting on bringing Shaktimaan back to a new generation, he added, “I am fulfilling a duty I began in 1997, which continued until 2005. My work should reach the public again by 2027 because today’s generation is running blindly. They need to be told to pause and catch their breath.”